Prayer Wall.
Join our worldwide community of prayer. If you are in need of prayer, request prayer here. If you have a heart for intercessory prayer, we invite you to read and pray for prayer requests from people all over the world. Read through the below requests. Click “Pray” and/or “Write a Prayer“ in response to needs and praises submitted by others.
God to bless my purchases and give me wisdom when I'm shopping praise God Protection from evil employees where I order my food have God judge them or have them move jobs
Nicole | 2 months | Prayed 0 time(s)Healing from bells palsy on left side of face and nerve damage to left eye mouth Healing and restore health
Nicole | 2 months | Prayed 0 time(s)
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The gospel of salvation is the power of God to save men. Join us today in fulfilling God’s divine mandate as we spread the gospel together, winning and reaching the lost. Join us in this great harvest of souls into the kingdom by partnering with us to take God’s divine presence to the nations of the earth. Save a life with your giving!