Spiritual Israel
SPIRITUAL ISRAEL During Israel's Jubilee, there was to be a release of property, debt, slavery — all that had been lost was to be restored. This release was not just…
SPIRITUAL ISRAEL During Israel's Jubilee, there was to be a release of property, debt, slavery — all that had been lost was to be restored. This release was not just…
FINANCIAL JUBILEE One of the greatest keys to spiritual harvest is timing. God always works in times and seasons. He moves in cycles with specific beginning and ending points. Within…
ACCORDING TO YOUR ABILITY Just as God required the Israelites to offer unblemished sacrifices, He requires us today to give Him offerings that are unblemished. We must not withhold anything,…
DIVINE SUFFICIENCY You cannot face your financial problems with “head knowledge” because it doesn't work! You must learn to take the very thing Satan wants to defeat you with —…
GOD'S SUPERNATURAL CYCLE During each Sabbath Year and the Jubilee Year, Israel did not sow or reap. They depended solely upon the supernatural provision of God to meet their needs.…
REAPING A MEGA HARVEST Here are some more important principles that will assure abundant spiritual harvest in every area of your life — including your finances: You must reap during…
WINNING THE WAR FOR YOUR FINANCES As you wait for your financial harvest, you must realize that God has divine purposes in the waiting period — even though you may…
WAITING FOR THE HARVEST In the beginning, God established the seasonal principle of seedtime and harvest in the natural world. This brings us to our next principle of spiritual harvest:…
REAPING ABUNDANTLY Today, we continue meditating on natural principles of harvest and applying them spiritually. You must cultivate the new seed: After a farmer puts seed in the ground, he cultivates…
SOWING BESIDE ALL WATERS Jim Elliott, martyred for the cause of Christ in an attempt to reach the Auca Indians of Ecuador with the Gospel, wrote in his diary: “He…
SOWING SEED During the next few days we will meditate on principles of sowing and reaping that will enable you to enter into God's divine cycle of sowing and reaping…
THE HARVEST TIME CYCLE When Israel entered Canaan, God promised them an abundant harvest. The word harvest comes from a Greek Word therismos. This means to reap and refers to the…