(Food For Leaders)
By: *Pastor Jack Siame*
9th July, 2018
_*”Therefore I do not run without a definite goal; I do not flail around like one beating the air [just shadow boxing].”*_ 1 Corinthians 9:26, AMP
Why is goal setting important? TO DO GREAT THINGS BUILD GREAT TEAMS part 8
✔️ _It is a powerful means for achieving success in ministry and in any endeavor._
✔️ _It is an effective means for bringing about change and improved performance in a team._
✔️ _We set goals to encourage and direct action towards a desirable end._
As a leader
_1. *Set Clear and Specific Goals*_
A clear goal is *_measurable_* and *_time bound_* . When a goal is measurable it removes ambiguity and helps you focus. And when its time bound, it gives you a sense of urgency. TO DO GREAT THINGS BUILD GREAT TEAMS part 8
Goals that have no deadlines may take forever to be accomplished.
You and everyone on your team should know exactly _what you want to achieve_ and _by when._ TO DO GREAT THINGS BUILD GREAT TEAMS part 8
If you aim at nothing, it doesn’t matter how good your arrows are, you will hit nothing! Activity doesn’t equate productivity. To be productive we must employ the right activities. To do that we must have clear and specific goals – they are an effective tool for guiding action and regulating behaviour towards success. TO DO GREAT THINGS BUILD GREAT TEAMS part 8
2. *Set challenging goals*
When goals are too easy or too difficult people will not put forward their best effort. Make the goals moderately difficult, this will motivate them to work harder and smarter and grow as they reach their targets.
3. _*Encourage High Level commitment*__
High level commitment to goals is attained when
(a) the individual is convinced that the goal is _*important*_ ; and
(b) the individual is convinced that the goal is *_attainable_* – he can do it. And
(c) when the individual is convinced that achieving this goal is *_beneficial_*
4. *Demand Feedback*
Feedback is about knowing how your people are doing in relation to the set objectives. It is a way of tracking progress and ensuring that your people stay on track. It also gives an opportunity for you to help your people and guide them through the journey to success.
Get feedback at least twice a week for a goal that is to be achieved in a week. Once each week for a one month deadline goal.
5. *_Depend On God_*
Commit your plans and your team to God. Pray for everyone you are leading and the work you are doing. Unless you pray, success is not guaranteed no matter what else you’ve done.
Answer the following questions
1. *What do you want your team to achieve this week?*
2. *What specific goals do you want each individual role/member in the team to accomplish?*
3. *Are the goals challenging enough?*
4. *When are you expecting feedback?*
5. *How many minutes/ hours are you dedicating each day to praying for your success?*
Write them down and communicate in clear terms to your leader and to the people you are leading.
_*If you are not getting better, you are getting worse*_